Top 5 Natural Diet foods fight against Cancer
MushroomsMushroom is one of the most important natural diet food to prevent against cancer. Mushrooms contain compounds that can help the body to fight cancer. Shitake, Reishi, Maitake and even inexpensive button mushrooms all have the immune boosting properties that helps prevent cancer. Maitake mushrooms help reduce blood sugar levels and reduce cancer risk.
Green leaf vegetables
Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower
contain a chemical part that can fight against breast cancer by
converting a cancer promoting estrogen into a more protective.
Cauliflower control body weight regularly.
Natural diet fruits like orange, grapes and other citrus fruits contain monoterpenes that helps prevent cancer by dropping carcinogens out of the body. They also contain vitamin C, beta carotene and folic acid that makes you healthy.
Top 5 Cancer causing foods to Avoid
White breadAny unnatural food that is white colour is unhealthy because white means processed food. White bread comes from bleached flour and even unbleached white flour is processed and contain high level of saturated fats, that cause breast cancer.
Sodas and soft drinks
These two soft drinks contain chemical additives sugar and caffeine. These causes double the risk of getting pancreatic cancer.
Everyone loves pickle because it increase the taste of dish. But pickled food increase risk of stomach cancer.
French fries and chips
The process of making French fries and potato chips create acrylamide which linked to cancer. These foods are baked, fried or grilled at temperature higher than 120°C.
Red Meat
Most of the people like red meat because it’s more attractive than white meat. Red meat is good for health but it’s safe to eat up to 300 gm per week. If you eat more than limit it increase the risk of breast, colon and prostate cancers.
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